For the 6th week of ‘lock down’ in New Zealand, I selected the Dr Yes Chair by Philippe Starck as the subject of my CAD sculpting exercise. This is the third chair sculpting exercise in a row where I have selected a ‘tub’ type chair, with the main form being constructed from a single overbuilt surface before being trimmed (then mirrored). I manually manipulated the surface CVs to get the resulting form, using photo’s as references. This chair has a an interesting form, with the linear sides and rear, in conjunction with the texture change from gloss to heavy texture around the split line. ‘Fluid form’ is a good way to describe it.
For more images of the modelling process, please have a look at Behance.
Modelled in Rhino 5, set up/materials in Lightwave, lit using HDR Light Studio Tungsten and rendered with Octane 2019.