Playstation 5 Controller, Modelled in Solidworks. Part 3 – Final
This video follows on from Part 2, where I have modelled most of the exterior of the product. In Part 3, I have added the smaller details like buttons, fillets,…
This video follows on from Part 2, where I have modelled most of the exterior of the product. In Part 3, I have added the smaller details like buttons, fillets,…
In this exercise I try and recreate elements of a physical display I saw at the Apple Park visitor centre, using G3 blends where possible. The display emulates a planar…
A viewer has asked if I could go into a bit more detail about how I set up my Solidworks environment, with a focus on modelling. I go over some…
I stumbled upon this technique a number of years ago, when I was working on a chair development. Some of the parts had thick sections and needed to be cored…
A series of video explorations, building different lozenge forms.In this video I explore building a lozenge or pill shaped slider, using G3 constraints where possible. I roll forwards through the…
A sketch can be used as a graph, to control a number of dimensions at once and vary those dimensions based on the shape of a curve. In this video…
Firstly, apologies for the audio! I squeezed this video in waiting for a late night video call…This challenge was sent to me by Jamie (thanks!) the top surface of the…
This video covers what I discovered in my first exploration of panelling in Solidworks. Fairly successful however there is a lack of flexibility when it comes to changing the grid/panel…
I had a comment on my stitching video that the technique was useful for making a zipper, so I figured I'd have a go at my own zipper. This uses…
I recently had to add indicitave stitching to a project in Solidworks and this video covers the way I created the geometry. The stitching sits inside a depression, that replicates…